How IB Schools in Mumbai focus on the Power of Schedule
The pandemic has turned everyone’s lives upside down. We have been uprooted from our work and school life and have been bound to our homes. Not been able to continue with the typical routine that we have been following for years, we have found it difficult to adjust to this new normal. Schedule is imperative in everyone’s life and with the changes lock down has bought with it, following a set habit has been given a miss. From not following good sleep hygiene to not being able to balance school-leisure time, the struggle is real but with self regulation and determination it is possible. Schedule gives us structure and requires one to be disciplined. Children love structure and hence it is important to inculcate it at a young age. Structure doesn’t mean lack of freedom instead it is setting priorities and focussing on the here now. When we plan, we are focussing on what is important, what are our goals and how we intend to achieve it and the estimate time we have to complete i...